0 By In ArticlePosted diciembre 19, 2022Between Intra-Group Vulnerability and Inter-Group Vulnerability: Bridging the Gaps in the Theoretical Scholarship on Internal Minorities READ MORE
0 By In ArticlePosted diciembre 7, 2022Customary Law Revivalism: Seven Phases in the Evolution of Customary Law in Sub-Saharan Africa READ MORE
0 By In ArticlePosted agosto 16, 2022Between Intra-Group Vulnerability and Inter-Group Vulnerability: Bridging the Gaps in the Theoretical Scholarship on Internal Minorities READ MORE
0 By In Article, Sin categorizarPosted mayo 24, 2020A Counterbalancing Exception: the Refugee Concept as a Normative Idea READ MORE
0 By In Article, Sin categorizarPosted marzo 17, 2019Reconciliar soberanías, reconciliar pueblos: debe aplicarse la Carta de Derechos y Libertades de Canadá a los gobiernos indígenas de derechos inherentes? READ MORE
0 By In Article, Sin categorizarPosted noviembre 4, 2018Social Media and Change in International Humanitarian Law Dynamics READ MORE
0 By In ArticlePosted octubre 13, 2018La salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en virtud de la Convención de la Unesco de 2003: el estudio de casos de las Primeras Naciones de Canadá READ MORE
0 By Adrien Habermacher In ArticlePosted julio 18, 2018BOOK REVIEW: Jean d’Aspremont, International Law as a Belief System READ MORE
0 By Sebastian Rodriguez-Alarcon and Valentina Montoya Robledo In Article, Sin categorizarPosted junio 16, 2018The Unrestrained Corporatization and Professionalization of the Human Rights Field READ MORE