Inter Gentes is the first international law journal to be founded at McGill University’s Faculty of Law. The journal’s ethos can be encapsulated in the following two objectives:

Rethinking International Law through the Lens of Legal Pluralism
Inter Gentes responds to a worldwide demand to rethink international law in an inclusive, collective and incisive way. As our title suggests, the law between states is changing into a law among peoples with plural and complex sources of normativity. This international, or transnational legal system thrives on its diversity provided that its actors are engaged in constructive dialogue. Inter Gentes contributes to this exchange by serving as a forum for the informed, plural, and collective redefinition of the law between peoples.

Creating a global, twenty-first century academic journal
Inter Gentes also addresses a pressing need for innovation in the realm of academic publishing. Its state-of-the-art web platform will create a dynamic and interactive dialogue between publications and amongst authors. To this effect, articles will be complemented by comments, responses from dissenting academics, informative follow-ups, and context. The Journal will thus represent a forum to discuss and debate articles, rather than a showcase for academic writing. Seeking to contribute to this unique initiative, numerous international law experts have joined Inter Gentes’ Advisory Board. Legal professionals, scholars, students, and the public are now invited to join the discussion, and nurture the very spirit of exchange that is the Journal’s raison d’être.